• Start date
    14-02-2024 0:00
  • End date
    27-02-2024 0:00
  • Age
    12-45 yrs
  • Total Course Day
    14 Days


Courses will be conducted subject to availability of suitable conditions which is dependent on snowfall in that year.

Course Participant Data


Applicant Data

Telephone with address and next of kin, Parent/Guardian (in the event of an accident).

The proof of identity must be certified by Sub-Divisional Magistrate or a Gazetted Officer.

MEDICAL FORM (Certificate)

Consent and Statements

  • I have read the rules and regulations of Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure and Eco-Tourism (IHCAE), Sikkim relating to the courses of training in Mountaineering/Adventure/Search & Rescue/ Method of Instruction/ Guide/Skiing and have fully understood the meaning and significance of the same. The above entries have been made by me and they are true and correct. I also declare that I have not attended the same course earlier/ and not applying for the repetition of the course.
  • I hereby certify that all the entries are correct in every respect. In case of deaths, accident or injury of any form, the Institute or any of its staff will not be held in any manner wholly or partially responsible.
Price (INR) ₹16000.00
  • Students
    0 enrolled of 20
  • Course name
    Skiing Course
  • Location
    East Sikkim

Thank you for sending your booking!